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Celebrating Our Student Leaders
Members of the Student Executive Board and LeadONE have gone above and beyond the call of duty. They developed our first Student Application Peer Interview Process and supported the sophomores in their summer program readiness sessions and much more. LeadONE Communications Council Scholars developed our first student blog, were on hand in the Student Application Peer Interview Process, hosted monthly virtual game nights, and founded an Instagram page specifically for REACH Memphis students. Kudos - and thanks - to these exceptional students!

Student Executive Board
Students selected to serve on this board meet frequently to tackle topics important to developing leadership,enter into discussions with a number of community leaders and serve as the eyes and voice of REACH Memphis to current and future student program participants, their teachers and their parents.
Student Executive Board members frequently engage with our sophomore students,present at various REACH Memphis functions and give feedback to staff on ways to improve our services
LeadONE Council
LeadONE's mission is to bridge the gap between REACH Memphis and its community through various forms of positive communication.
We will work toward this mission by producing our blog that captures the greatest achievements of our students through our own observations that will update the REACH Memphis community about what our students are achieving.
Our goal is create a family environment by bringing old and new members, mentors, family members, and staff together-leading everyone to become ONE!

Student Executive Board 2020-2021
Maya Arije
Alaecia Bond
Jayla Bryant
Isaiahis Flowers
Maya Grady
Kyndle Lee
Tytianna Pope
Umeria Taylor
Landerson Young
Student Executive Board 2021-2022
Amia Abston
Carson Broughton
Gabriel Eskridge
Ashton Jackson
Eboni Lewis
Jalen Mask
Lillian Rose
Kelley Stone
Tylan Williams
Jalin Wilson
LeadONE Communications Council
Jayla Davis
Lauryn Davis
Aneth Fernandez
Xochitl Figueroa
Tamya Hayes
Makayla Herron
Mikayla Higgins
LeadONE Communications Council
Kristin Blake
Jennifer Chiu
Gabriella Dotson
Niobi Elliot
Kayla Johnson
Kahla McKinnie
Blair Thomas
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